Thursday, March 13, 2008

I Think We Can Communicate With Aliens!

Didn't know that we would be getting a dish this big, but there it sits on the corner of the house looking like it could tip the garage over. The DirecTV guy was pretty prompt today. We had an arrive time of between 0800 and 1200, he rand the doorbell at 0905. Don't think he realized how big of a job it would be, thank goodness Dan was here to help. Lots of time in the attic and a lot of yelling from the living room to the attic, but the cable finally got pulled and everything set up. Took about two hours and then he was on his merry way.

Now I have to set up everything again. Start from scratch with my shows that I record. Didn't have to watch all the shows I had recorded because I went online and saw which shows have the full programs available to be watched anytime and this is what I will do. Have to get use to the new guide and the way everything works. It is more like the Brighthouse setup so I'm kind of use to that, using Andy's and Nikki's.

The rest of the day was spent doing laundry and working in my room. Also making sure all of February's pictures are backed up and on DVD. Just need to upload some so I can get prints, because I really like to have pictures available.

Dan did a bunch of stuff around the house, pool, mowed the lawn and some other things.

Pretty quiet day, just the way I like it.

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