Riley and I did this Easter setup last week and had a great time doing it. Once I got the ones of him in the basket and just let him go and do what he wanted we got some good shots. They are in the album I sent from Kodak Gallery.
I didn't get to see the lion dressed up as the Easter Bunny but Dad got this shot for me. I'll have to check to see what other holidays we will be seeing a dressed up lion. I really like this.
Well I hope the Easter Bunny brought you everything you wanted. I know our house was full of good things.
Did some early morning shopping at Wal-Mart and then it was time to do chores. Got them done or at least started. Laundry won't be done until about 1900.
We had a get together today, including an Easter Egg Hunt for Riley. It was Tammy, Tom, Mum, Dad, Andy, Nikki, Riley, Dan and I. Once everyone arrived I put out the eggs for Riley to find, or more like look around the living room and see how many you can see. There were only six eggs and Riley finally collected them all. Sometime or really most of the time he was more interested in the things around the eggs but we convinced him to get the eggs and a few actually went into his basket.
We had sandwiches for lunch, everyone made their own, so everyone got just what they wanted. Cake and cherry pie with ice cream and cool whip for dessert. I know a very strange combination but when I pick up the cake, Publix Easter Egg cake, it looked very small and I would have hated to run out so I also got the pie. It was enjoyed by all especially Riley who had a free for all with a spoonful of cool whip. Of course this was after cake and ice cream.
Got everything all cleaned up and Dan, Tom and Andy went to play Zelda. Dan was having problems defeating one of the levels and Andy just marched right through it and Dan can continue on his merry way.
The rest of us sat in the living room, watched Riley and talked, love these get togethers. It was getting to be time for naps, not sure who needed one more; Riley, Grampa (Dan) or Jagee (Dad).
Spent the afternoon watching some of my recorded shows, uploading pictures and updating my blog.
This was a great weekend, I think I've been saying that a lot lately. Since we have decided we should be doing things on the weekend and not just sitting around the house we have had boatloads of fun.
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