We got to AT&T just as the girl was unlocking the door so we were able to walk right in and be first customer of the day. That's where things started to go awry, I had two phones in mind and of course the first they just don't carry in this store. The second she was sure she had but decided to go check and of course they were all out.
She told us that her deliveries arrive at about 1030 and she would be getting some in. I have been wanting to go to Books-A-Million so that was a good place to kill some time so we headed over there. I was in seventh heaven because they had all the photography magazines that I can never get in Saint Cloud.
No call from the phone girl so we decided to just go back to Tammy's and look at what is new around there. The new bathroom cabinet looks great and will be even nicer once it has some stuff on it. Then I got to look at some of the pictures from the vacation, really makes me want to go back to South Dakota.
Well, 1030 came and went and no call from AT&T. It was pass 1130 and Tammy was going to lunch with Tom so we decided to just stop by and see what was going on. Of course they got none in the shipment today but she had sent one of the other workers to the Celebration store to pick them up for us and he wouldn't be back until 1300. Tammy had already left to meet Tom and I finally decided to just sit in the car and read one of my new magazines. That passed the time quite nicely.
I walked into the store right at one and Tammy came in right behind me. We knew it would take a while to do everything because that is how phone stuff works. The activation didn't go as planned because the simm card wouldn't authenticate and it was a problem with AT&T not the phone so we just carried on and got everything done. Here is the phone that both Tammy and I got, it's an LG Shine.

The phones finally did start working and Tammy and I must have talked to each other 100 times, ok maybe 5 but more then we normally do. Now I just have to figure out the features. Andy you need to help me with ringtones, please......
Dan had a long day and didn't get home until 1900 and I think tomorrow may be another long day for him.
Aunt Lauri,
This is Kimi. Thats the same phone I have!! I got it around february, but mine is the silver one. Let me know if I can help you with anything :D
Thanks Kimi, I may be looking for some pointers on making my own ringtones from music I already have.
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