Monday, February 25, 2008

Riley is a Funny Boy, but We Knew That

Finally decided when we are going to the Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta. This was Andy's birthday present and we have just been waiting for me to make a decision on dates. We will be going the second weekend in April. It is going to be whirl-wind weekend with most of the time spent in the car but that is the only way we will be able to go.

I made the reservations this morning, we will be staying just south of Atlanta, about 35 minutes from the Aquarium. Can't wait to see the Aquarium again, we really enjoyed it the first time.

Riley and I had a good walk today. He was very funny. I gave him my lens cap to hold and for most of the walk he was using it as a telephone and talking to everyone. He carried on quite the conversations, then it would be like he hung up and then back up to the ear and he would start talking again.

Back at the apartment Riley spent most of his time playing on the stroller trying to snap the clasp together. He has become very fascinated with clasps, fasteners, and zippers.

Had a late day, Nikki had to go to the hospital. Everything is fine and all looks good so nothing to worry about. But as always it takes so much time to get anything done. So I didn't get home until almost 1900 and I am ready for the night to be over.

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