Didn't get our walk in today because it poured at our normal time and by the time it stopped naps had started so we just stayed around the apartment.
We all got on the floor and played with this mobile thing and when Kaleigh had enough Riley had a good time taking it all apart and putting it back together.
Then I realized Riley was being very quiet, usually I hear the chair get pulled out or him climbing up in it but today the sound of the the keyboard was the first indication that he was somewhere he shouldn't be. But I couldn't get to upset because he looked so cute sitting just typing away.
This was the first afternoon in a while that both of them were awake for most of the time. Played the "Pull Kaleigh's Socks" game, that is a big hit with Riley not so sure that Kaleigh enjoys it. Also played "Grab Kaleigh's Pacifier and See How Far I Can Get", guess you know who was doing the grabbing. Kaleigh sure gets the short end of the stick most times.
Hopefully the weather will be better tomorrow, no walk makes for a long morning.
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