It was time to get back to my morning walks, for some reason the last two weeks I wasn't going out and I miss it when I don't. This morning I went 15 minutes later than normal but it was really dark out. Didn't even see the hint of a sunrise until I got down on Pine Tree. It was a beautiful sunrise, not much color but the clouds were spectacular.
Always like to see what I can catch in the little pond here and today it was a pretty good reflection of the sky.
In case any of you felt any tremors or anything this morning, it wasn't the world coming to an end but me dusting. I know I always say it is the job I hate most and I will tell you why. I spent two hours and all I got done was the living room. I have to take everything off the shelves, dust the pictures and knick-knacks, dust the shelves and put everything back on. Then I do all the pictures and the fireplace and mantle.
So tomorrow if you feel the earth move it is because I have moved on to the Santa Room, the worse in the house but it will be done and I won't have to think about it for a while.
Today I got to watch Kaleigh because Riley had his first appointment with the Dentist. He did very well and his teeth look great. He will be getting four more teeth sometime in the next year. He also got a fluoride treatment.
Kaleigh and I played on the floor and then I got some pictures of her. I remember when I could get pictures of Riley all the time. So much easier when they just lay where you put them.
She definitely has Andy's eyes.
I came home and worked on some scrapbook stuff, non-digital, it's the first time I've done that in a while.
Dan had a really long day, not many jobs but everyone wanted a specific time and his last job was at 1700 so he didn't get home until about 1830.
Moms on the Move - starts June 26
6 years ago
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