Monday, September 8, 2008

Crazy Weather

I was out for my walk bright and early this morning and was lucky enough to have this big cloud in front of the sun for almost all of my walk. Kept it pretty cool but it was still very humid.

Turned the corner to head down Cord, which means I have less then a quarter of a mile until I'm done and it starts sprinkling. Not a dark cloud in the sky and no clouds anywhere near me, so I have no idea where the rain was coming from. But it was enough to be a pain because I had the camera. I was rewarded with a rainbow as I was walking up the driveway.

First thing I did after getting home was check to see where Ike was. Good news for us but Texas and Louisiana aren't to happy right now. The path has actually moved further west since this shot.

I spent the rest of the day working on a class I'm taking for organizing my digital scrapbook supplies. It is two weeks long with lessons everyday and in just one day I have learned so much about the program I'm using to do this. Everything makes much more sense and will be easier to locate. Just very time consuming to begin with, have to label and tag every single piece. Once that is done I just have to keep up with the new stuff I get.

Some things that Riley has started doing that are very cute: he makes the sounds of a lion/tiger and a monkey. Instead of always saying no to a question he has started to say "Mmmmm", we are guessing that means yes. He is very helpful and really likes to help. Likes to have powder put on his belly. He's moving into being a two year old very nicely.

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