Getting things back to normal and into a routine. Riley is feeling much better. No real explanation for his fever yesterday. It finally broke in the afternoon, but it was a terrible day for Riley. He was whiny and crying and just wanted to be held which is very unlike him and a sure sign he wasn't feeling well. We are guessing it was a combination of a few things but the biggest was three teeth that popped through his gums yesterday and a forth really close to coming through.
Had a very busy morning, we played with his mega-blocks, alphabet blocks and the farm. We didn't get our walk in (maybe later) because at 1000 Riley decided it was time for a nap and he went right down, must have needed to catch up on some sleep because he didn't get up until 1400.
I know you are all dying to know what I do while Riley is napping. Well here you go, some of the things I do are: I pick up whatever toys are all over the place from morning play so they can all come out again in the afternoon. Sometimes I play with the toys, like here I decided to build a tower out of the alphabet blocks and Skit was just watching me.
I guess she felt like she needed to sneak up on me and hid behind the blocks. She stayed there for quite a while.
Sometimes I have a book or magazine to read, actually I always have a book. I leave it on the shelf and pull it out when I feel like reading, only problem is I just can't get into the book so I spend very little time reading it, maybe I need to change books. I write out what I'm going to put in my blog for that day, makes the entry go much faster and I remember more of what we did. I eat my lunch so I don't have to share with Riley, even when he has his own lunch mine is so much better. If Andy has anything recorded that I watch, I watch it, usually one or two things a week, it use to happen more often when there were new shows on. And somedays I take a nap too. Pretty exciting life I lead, huh?
When it got to the four hour mark for Riley's nap, I decided to open his door and let the noise from the living wake him up. I'm being very careful and quiet opening his door and I have it about 3/4's of the way open when I look up for the first time and who is just standing at the railing of his crib but Riley. Well I jumped because I wasn't expecting to see him there and he thought that was pretty funny.
Decided to take our walk and I had forgotten how little shade there is in the apartment complex in the afternoon and the sun didn't have the decency to go behind one of the many clouds in the sky. Let's just say we were very warm by the time we got back to the apartment.
Time for lunch and just after he had finished eating Andy got home. This is what happens when you sleep until two.
Now for the really exciting part of my day I went to the bank on my way home, I know how can I stand it. When I got home the new HD receiver was on the porch, so I got to hook it up and call to get it activated. Hopefully this is the last time we have to deal with DirecTV for a while.
Moms on the Move - starts June 26
6 years ago
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