Saturday, January 31, 2009

Kid Day

Andy and Nikki went to the movies today and we got to watch Riley and Kaleigh. We walked out the door shortly after they left because we saved our errands so the kids could go with us. Started with the bank and then on to Wal-Mart. The big thing we were looking for today was a camera for Dan, they had it at Wal-Mart but we decided to still go to Best Buy and compare prices.

Got to Best Buy and it was $30.00 more, so asked if they do price matching and they do. Found out that they price match to the website and not the actual store in the area and on the website the price was the same. So back to Wal-Mart and wouldn't you know it they had none in stock. Now if Best Buy had called Wal-Mart and learned they had none in stock we would have bought the camera at Best Buy. As it is now I will do some comparison shopping online and see what we come up with.

Then we went to lunch at Dairy Queen, I think Kaleigh is getting mighty tired of just getting her baby food when we go out to eat. Before we know it though she will be eating all regular food and be a happy girl.

Got back to the apartment and had some playtime. As always the best toy is an empty box, Riley loaded and unloaded this box many times today.

Kaleigh bounced, I hadn't seen her bounce so high up and down like she did today.

Riley and Baapa played with the doodle art board for a long time. Dan would draw pictures and tell stories and Riley would erase them.

When we got home the paper had the Best Buy sale flyer and wouldn't you know the camera goes on sale tomorrow for the price we wanted it for today. Still going to look into online stores and see what I can find.

We had a really great day with the kids, always look forward to spending time with them.

Friday, January 30, 2009

The Cold Is Coming Again

Yesterday or the day before it was up into the 80's and by tomorrow morning we will be back in the 30's again. It has been a pretty strange winter. I'm really not complaining, just would like to see it stay more in the middle without the extreme highs and lows. But we don't always get what we want.

Went with Tammy to Best Buy this morning, we were in and out in no time. We pretty much knew what we wanted just had to find the right laptop. Got a new one for Dad to keep him busy and give him something to do while he recuperates.

I also did some research on the Everglades and printed out everything we want to visit while we are down there, can't wait to head out.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Dad Is Home

Ran some errands this morning. Had to go to the bank and of course all the ATM's were down so I did my shopping at Wal-Mart. Took my time hoping the ATM's would be up and running when I was done, lucked out and they were.

Headed home to do some stuff around the house. I was really just killing time until Dad got home from the hospital so I could go over and see him.

Got the call that they were heading home and could I meet them at the Medical Supply Place in Saint Cloud. They couldn't fit everything in their car. So we met up there and got everything loaded and to their house. So Dad is all settled in and glad to be home.

When I got home Chris stopped by for a visit, really he wanted me to help him fill his taxes online. That took all of about 15 minutes, so he should have his refund in about ten days. Wish ours was that simple.

Another long day for Dan, I don't think he has gotten home before six all week. Sometimes that is just the way it works.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Happy Kids

It was so nice watching the kids today, everyone was in a good mood, no one had to sit on my lap for five straight hours so we had a very good time.

Started with Riley deciding he needed socks on. This is the boy who as soon as he gets in the car now has to take his shoes and socks off, but today he needed them on. Didn't last long.

As you can see he thought maybe Kaleigh needed a sock on her head, but that wasn't going to happen.

Then Kaleigh had a poop that was so bad I told Andy if she ever does it again I'm sticking her in a plastic bag until he gets home. It was everywhere and must have taken at least 15 wipes to clean her up. A bath would have been easier but I also had to contend with the climber who decided at this precise moment he need to get in Kaleigh's pack and play because he has no toys of his own and needed to get hers out.

After the cleaning I just put her on the floor and we played for a while. This is the first time I saw her scooch/crawl and she came right to me.

We finally moved back to the living room and Riley got all his trucks and asked me to take a picture of them so here you go.

Riley just kind of conked out today, he slept for about 1.5 hours and was raring to go.

While Riley was sleeping Kaleigh was bouncing, she can really get going. Every once in a while she would turn around and look down the hall to see where Riley was, but he was sleeping.

Finally got a shot of more of her teeth.

By this time it was time for dinner so everyone got fed and we played until Andy got home. It's his night to get home first.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Wish I had something really exciting to tell you about today but I have figured out that Tuesday's are usually my most boring day of the week. It falls between the two days I take care of Riley and Kaleigh, I don't usually go anywhere because I know I will be going out on Wednesday, and Photoshop is calling me to get stuff done. So the most exciting thing I did today was walk to the end of the driveway and check mail.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Lap Baby

Just a quick post, Monday is my late day for getting home. For some reason Kaleigh decided the only place she would be happy today was sitting in my lap, so that means there are no pictures because a baby attached to your knee isn't condusive to using a camera.

Riley made it pretty easy for me because he took a two hour nap and that meant I didn't have to play with him during that time. You see when Kaleigh is on my lap when we are sitting on the floor he is aways trying to wedge in between us and sit on my lap. He really doesn't care where Kaleigh goes but off my lap is the best option. It is really very funny.

Won't bore you with all the details, but Riley is doing very well with potty training.

Not much else, before going to watch the kids just did stuff around the house, vacuuming, laundry, hanging pictures and other miscellanous stuff that kept me busy.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

It Could Stay Like This Forever...

...but I'm sure after a couple of years I would find something to complain about. As you probably guessed the weather was perfect today.

Started with a great walk, just around the neighborhood. Cool enough that a sweater was required but not so cold I wanted to go back in as soon as we stepped outside.

Just a couple of shots from the walk. The clouds have been pretty spectacular lately.

Did all of our chores and spent some time out on the deck. Here are all three of the chairs that Dad made for us.

Tammy and Tom stopped by this afternoon and we sat outside again, just visiting which is always nice.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

We're On A Roll

Another beautiful day, if only it could be like this year round someplace because that is where we would live. Started at about 42 and got up to 72, couldn't ask for anything more.

Decided it would be a good day to take the kids and go for a walk, well we ended up at Downtown Disney and because we were early there were no crowds and we had a really good time.

Here is Riley holding Kaleigh's hand, didn't want her to go anywhere.

I love when they turn around and make sure I'm still there. Riley use to do this all the time.

Let's get this show on the road.

We parked by Cirque du Soleil and walk through the West Side, and Pleasure Island to the Marketplace.

This is the new cover for the stage in the Marketplace, didn't realize it was going to be so big. They were still working on when we were here in December.

Of course one of the first things we did was get popcorn. Here is Baapa trying to throw it into Riley's mouth but Riley really just wanted to eat as much as he could and the throwing was slowing him down.

Kaleigh was saying, "Throw some over here, I'll take it, I really want some."

Here they are all looking at the animals on the Rainforest Cafe.

Then Riley got out to ride on Baapa's shoulders and I moved the popcorn as far away from Kaleigh as I could and thought it would be safe, but I was wrong.

I know Riley got into this somehow, what did he do to get that popcorn out.

I finally had to take it away from her because she would have had it open and eaten in no time.

Here are the boys walking around while we chased them in the stroller.

As you can see we have a slight problem with a stroller hog. I thought Riley would be the one who would be all over Kaleigh but she has to have her arm over on his side and no matter how many time I would move her over she would be right back on his side.

This was Riley way a defending his turf. Pull the sunscreen down in front.

It was also his way of making sure Kaleigh couldn't get any of his popcorn.

On our way back stopped at Pei Wei for lunch, this was spur of the moment so I had no idea what to eat so I was designated Kaleigh feeder and that worked out well. We will definitely be going back. Dan and Riley enjoyed their meals.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Beautiful Day

It was still pretty cold this morning, only 32, when we got up. And after I did my errands the house just wasn't warming up so I turned the heat on and warmed it up to 68. But this afternoon was just gorgeous, got up to about 67, had the doors open and I sat out on the deck for an hour just enjoying the warmth of the sun.

Tomorrow is still suppose to start cold but should warm up even more in the afternoon. Then we are suppose to have a few really nice days. Don't know if we will get anymore of the freezes, sure hope not. Mostly for the sake of the citrus growers, don't know if I can listen to one more news story about the frozen oranges.

Not much else going on, just a nice quiet day.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Happy Kids

This is how we started our day, 28 outside, no wind and 60 degrees inside.

There was frost on the ground, would have liked to have seen some icicles like they showed on tv but we had no dripping water, thank goodness.

A shot down the street checking out the sunrise.

When I went out to go watch the kids at about 0830, the birds were going crazy. It was hard to get a picture of any of them because they were flitting around so much. But here it the cardinal.

Two woodpeckers, didn't know we had two in the neighborhood, usually only see one.

There were also lots of doves, little birds that I'm not sure what they are and I think I saw a scrub jay out of the corner of my eye, but by the time I turned it was gone.

Kaleigh and Riley were in a much better mood today. I always like watching them in the morning because they are well rested and ready to go.

We got all bundled up and headed out for a walk. It really turned out to be quite beautiful and warmed up nicely, at least when we were in the sun.

Of course we walked by the pond and saw all sorts of birds. These are just two transients, but Mohawk, The Twins, and the rest of the ducks were still there.

Kaleigh fell asleep almost as soon as we started moving and slept for the whole walk. Even when Riley had to make sure she was comfy and doing okay.

We were out for about an hour and by the end of the walk, Riley had all his blankets, his hat and his vest off.

We spent the rest of the time Andy was gone playing and having a good time. He got back just in time to make lunch. Got the kids all settled in their chairs and I was off.

I had my camera ready for when I pulled into the yard, because the woodpecker is always there until I open the door and want to take his picture. So I had the windows open and everything ready to shoot a couple of photos. Next time I have to remember to put on the zoom lense and get some closer shots.

This is the 1430 weather report. It felt much warmer outside, probably because of the sun and not much wind.

Now the temperature has dropped down to 52 and we are suppose to be in the low 30's to high 20's again tonight. Not looking good for the citrus and strawberries.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Baby, It's Cold Outside

The weathermen got this cold snap right, we were at 32 degrees this morning and I never saw it get warmer than 48. It might have but I was watching the kids today and didn't have a thermometer to check when I went to check mail which is what I normally do everyday.

So I just dressed in many layers and headed out at 0530 as is usual for Wednesday mornings and was hoping the car would start. This would be the type of day that it wouldn't but it turned right over and I was on my way to find out that I stayed exactly the same as last week. That always amazes me but it does happen.

Stopped at Wal-Mart on the way home and did some shopping. Got home and washed and cut up all the fruits and vegetables I had bought.

Headed over to watch Riley and Kaleigh at about 1245. Lunch was all done and we got in some play time, then things turned ugly. I thought this would be the only picture I would get of Kaleigh and she was just cranky but she went down for a nap and was a changed child.

Before nap. (Disclaimer: ignore all snotty noses and dirty faces, it seemed to be what we had to work with today.)

After her nap. A smiley happy girl.

During this time Riley and I were having a battle of wills and can you believe that Gramma won. It took about 1.5 hours but he finally went down for a nap. But he only slept 45 minutes and he was ugly, ugly, ugly when he got up. As this picture will attest.

He didn't want me near him, didn't want a snack, nothing on tv was making him happy so I just ignored him for about 20 minutes and then he was fine. I didn't get any other pictures of him because the camera got put away and we were having so much fun playing with the blue tunnel. It kept all three of us amused. I think Kaleigh would have liked to have gone in with him but he would have just run her over. I'll try for some better shots of him tomorrow.
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