Well, after taking a week off from doing any decorating around the house I decided I better get going again. Got most of the miscellaneous things put out and five more of my little trees done. So now all I have is my Disney tree and three mini trees and I will be done. Probably just in time to be taking it all down.
The house is looking mighty festive, just the way I like it.
It was also my day for talking on the phone and plugging and unplugging the fax. Talked to Mum and Dad, Andy, Dan, and Chris, most of them more than one time and some five or six times. Don't know how I got anything else done.
Also called Outdoor Recreation at Patrick to find out why I haven't received my confirmation for the beach houses yet. The woman told me I would be getting the letter soon so I asked if could get the confirmation number over the phone and she told me no problem and put me on hold. It seemed to take forever and I just knew she was going to come back and say I had no reservation, didn't matter that they had my deposit, but she came back and gave me the number so we are good to go.
Moms on the Move - starts June 26
6 years ago
Your house looks great. Glad you were able to get the confirmation numbers over the phone. Are they going to give you the two houses that together?
Mum and I are happy to hear that.
Yes I requested 204 and 205 so we should be good.
Awesome! I sure do hope that we can be there.
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