Friday, October 17, 2008

I Was Just 22...

...when Dan took this picture. It was during my blond period and we were visiting Kim in New Hampshire just a couple of months before we moved to Winter Harbor for the first time. Figured if I was going to scan in pictures you might as well see some.

Today I got to watch the kids in the morning, that is a nice change for me because they were awake the whole time (except for the walk) and not cranky because it was getting close to nap time.

Got to the apartment at about 0800 after going to Wal-Mart, the Bank, and Sonic. Riley was just finishing up his breakfast but stayed in his seat for a while playing. During this time I got Kaleigh ready. Changed her diaper and put her on the floor in the living room on her back and went to get an outfit for her. Come back about two minutes later and she had rolled to her belly. This was the first time for this direction and no one got to see it. She wouldn't repeat it for me either. So I got her dressed and moved on to Riley.

Gave him a quick bath, he had yogurt hair and that isn't the best look for him. Got his diaper on him and I went into the laundry room to get his clothes. You have to understand that the laundry room is right there off the living room, you can see the whole apartment. I get his outfit and step out and no Riley, call his name, no answer. Check the front door and I forgot to do the top lock so of course I panic but I really know he couldn't have gone outside because the laundry room door is four inches from the front door and I would have heard it open and then I hear the giggle, he is in Andy and Nikki's room and had shut the door. This took all of about 30 seconds but the things that can go through your head in 30 seconds!

Then we were ready for our walk. Riley was pretty excited and Kaleigh really didn't care one way or the other and fell asleep about ten minutes in.

We don't take a walk for a couple of months and there is a duck population explosion. Couldn't believe how many there were and they were very noisy.

Then we got to see something new, Riley really likes to watch the dumpster man come and empty the dumpster. Today we saw him picking up the stuff that doesn't fit in the dumpster and he really enjoyed that.

Here he is watching and if he could have gotten out he would have been right over there helping out.

This is what Kaleigh thought of the whole thing.

Got back to the apartment at about 0945 and Kaleigh was still asleep, so I unloaded Riley and just pushed the stroller into the bedroom so she could sleep a bit more. Got Riley all set up with his snack and Kaleigh woke up about 15 minutes later ready for her bottle.

Nikki got home right after I finished feeding Kaleigh and I was on my way.

Spent the afternoon scanning in slides. Slow but sure I'm making a dent, a really small dent but a dent.


Jeffrey said...

I really like those glasses you were sporting during your blond phase.

Lauri said...

The better to see you with, I thought the same thing when I came across this picture.

Anonymous said...

I dont miss the blond as much as the long hair! Dan

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