Monday, May 19, 2008

Everyone is Doing Great

Today was doctor appointment day, the first of many in the next few weeks. We didn't have to leave the house until about 1000 and that is when the skies decided to open and it poured. I put all the stuff in the car and moved it closer to the door. Got Kaleigh loaded in, at least Nikki was able to put her in her car seat and I just snap it in the base. Then I got Riley into his car seat and we were on our way.

It was still raining when we got to the doctor's office, so I just dropped Nikki off and we parked and waited in the car. Only one catastrophe while we waited, Kaleigh lost her binkie and wasn't happy without it so I turned around in my seat and got her all settle again. Stopped by the Health Department and got appointments set up for WIC and that went very quickly. We were actually home in less than two hours.

Riley should have gone down for his nap when we got home but he was having none of that. Tried three times over the next 1.5 hours and then gave up. He finally started nodded off in my arms at about 1530 and I got him to go to sleep in his crib.

We spent the afternoon playing and watching Kaleigh lay on the floor. Riley is being so gentle with her. It's just when she is on the floor and he wants to lay his head on her chest it is to much for her to handle. Then he wanted to give her a kiss while Nikki was holding her and we thought he was going to kiss the top of her head. No he grabs her forehead and wants her to lean back so he can kiss her lips. It was pretty funny to watch and no one got hurt.

No pictures from today, I know I'm falling down on my job. So her is one from Saturday.

A Grampa's Touch.

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