Sunday, May 31, 2009

Water Loving Kids

Another beautiful day in Florida. Today Andy, Nikki and the kids came over for a lunch of hot dogs and hamburgers and then some fun in the pool. We could barely get Riley to eat because he wanted to be out at the pool playing.

We did finally get lunch eaten and clothes changed and then it was out to play. Both Riley and Kaleigh really like the water table that we got last weekend. Riley just couldn't understand that he was suppose to fill the little bucket from the water in the table and not from the pool so he just kept running to and from the pool with the water leaking out the bottom of the bucket. The bucket served as the start of the river that flowed through the glacier so it had a hole in the bottom. It was lots of fun to watch.

Quite the little beach baby.

More pictures here.

We also had lots of fun in the pool. Riley will now get in by himself and climb onto one of the floats. He was also swimming (with the help of his arm floats) back and forth between Momma and Daddy.

Kaleigh just loves being in the water, as soon as she saw her float she was ready to get in the water and go. She went underwater today and held onto the side of the pool, she really has no fear of the water which is very nice.

Hopefully this weather holds out for a few more days so we can enjoy the outdoors.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

I'm Back

Haven't really been anywhere but I'm back to blogging. I've been busy but not doing anything really exciting, just everyday life stuff.

Weight Watcher's on Wednesday, still holding my own. As a matter of fact this is the longest I've gone without gaining weight in a very long time. Not loosing much, mainly because I'm not suppose to be loosing so the .2 and .4 in the last two weeks has been just fine with me.

Walking is still going, I have upped one day a week to 4 miles and my long day is now 6 miles and for both of those walks this week my pace was 14:09 a mile. I'm very happy with that. Now if the mosquitoes would go away my walks would be almost enjoyable.

Today we headed out to the Magic Kingdom, we still has one day left on the passes we got on our Christmas visit and they were due to expire in a couple of weeks so it was time to use them.

We picked a perfect day to go to the park, it wasn't really hot, it didn't rain and the crowds were very light. We were only there for about four hours and we went on 6 rides/shows, plus we had lunch.

We took the paddle wheel boat to the Magic Kingdom and while we were waiting all these flowers were calling to me.

Of course I had to take pictures of the castle, this is one of my favorite views.

This is walking up from the Tomorrowland side to behind the castle and we always seem to get here when the sun is reflecting off the roof.

This is also where we got our first people-watching laugh of the day. There was a mom leading the way, a boy about six, crying and the dad bringing up the rear. Well the dad caught up with the boy and with a very British accent said, "You ungrateful little puke." and that is when we went out of ear-shot. This was at about 0930 just after the park opened and I just don't think they were going to have a very good day at Disney.

PhilharMagic was our first stop and we spotted this hidden Mickey in the frame surrounding the stage. We don't intentionally look for hidden Mickey's but we always seem to find one. It isn't hard to do because they are everywhere.

We then did It's a Small World, The Haunted Mansion, lunch at Pecos Bill's, Pirates of the Caribbean, and the Carousel of Progress. When we were walking around Tomorrowland, stopped and watched this show for a bit. The two songs they did were, "These Boots Are Made for Walking" and "Neutron Dance". Quite the combination but we enjoyed it.

Took the back way to Toon Town and got on the train to Main Street. Went out on the upper platform and looked down Main Street, something we hadn't done in a very long time.

Monorail to the Ticket and Transportation Center where Dan and I got our free 5-day all inclusive tickets that Disney is giving to active and retired military this year. We are all set for our August stay at Pop Century now.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

ComCast and Faxes

I started my day with a very early morning call to ComCast because the phone line didn't seem to be working again and I wanted to get it done before my walk. Well come to find out the department that I needed to speak to doesn't open until 0800. So off I went on my walk.

It was a pretty good walk, the call to ComCast must have gotten my blood pumping because it was the best three miles I have done in a while.

So 0800 rolls around and I was then on the phone for the next 4.5 hours with ComCast and HP trying to decide if it was the fax or the phone, still haven't come to any conclusive conclusion. Will see when Dan gets his fax in the morning.

The rest of the day was spent doing laundry and just catching up things around the house.

Monday, May 25, 2009

New Outdoor Toy

We were at Target today and saw that this was on sale and just couldn't past it up. Riley and Kaleigh are going to have such fun playing with it. You fill it with water and then fill the bucket at the top of the glacier so water runs through it. Hopefully we will have some nice weather this week and they can come over and play.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Memorial Day BBQ

Can't believe it is already time for the annual Memorial Day BBQ at Tammy's. We had a really great time and you can check out the pictures here.

I started the day with a three mile walk. As I was going along minding my business I saw a tow truck pull into the playground parking lot on Pine Tree and he turned around. Didn't really think anything of it until he only went down to Sawgrass Creek and turned around again. He pulled off the road by the water tower and rolled down his window. I thought he was going to ask for directions, but when I got up to him, he just pointed off to my right and there were four deer standing on the bank of the creek enjoying the early morning. If he hadn't pointed them out to me I never would have seen them because of the angle of the creek and by the time I was back at this point they were gone.

Before we knew it, it was time to head to the BBQ. When we left the house I didn't have much hope for the rain to hold off for us but it was our lucky day and it didn't rain until long after we got home.

We pretty much ate at soon as everyone arrived. It was all delicious, hamburgers, hot dogs, sausages and so many side dishes I couldn't list them all here.

After lunch we presented Kim with her shadowbox that Dad made for her retirement from the Navy. Isn't it beautiful? And the best part was, we surprised her with the box, none of us thought that would be possible, but we did it.

Then it was time to get in the pool and let me tell you that thermometer may have registered 78-80 degrees but it sure felt much colder. Must have been because the sun really wasn't out and it wasn't really hot. We still had a good time and all the kids were having a blast.

After everyone was out of the pool and the pinata had been whacked to death, Chris and Jaime were getting ready to leave and go see the new Star Trek movie. Well they ended up with Tom, Dennis, and Cole going with them.

The rest of the day was spent talking and watching the kids in the pool. Just having a good time.

Again don't forget to go look at all the pictures.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Six Miles

Started my day with a six mile walk (14:18 pace). I had been contemplating doing six miles but when I saw my I-pod was nearly dead, I told myself if it made it for 5 miles I would tack on the extra mile and start my 6 six mile long walks this weekend instead of next. Wouldn't you know it that I-pod hung in there for all six miles.

Dan came out and met me at the end with a nice cold bottle of water and it really hit the spot. I'm going to have to start carrying a bottle with me now that the weather has gotten so warm. I drink a bottle or two before I start walking but that isn't enough now.

We then made out weekend trip to Home Depot and Publix. We never got rained on but got a few sprinkles as we were driving. And we never got any rain at the house until about noon.

Tammy, Kim, Sami, and Breann came to visit for a bit in the afternoon, always nice.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Busier Than I Thought

Had another very early morning today. I was up at 0500 and out of the house by 0600. I volunteered at the Scrapbook Expo out at the Gaylord Palms and I had to be there by 0645. I wasn't sure how long it would take to get there and didn't want to be late. Ended up only taking me about 40 minutes and the Expo personnel were late so I made it there in plenty of time.

I worked in the crop room, collecting tickets and making sure only people with tickets came into the room. So really I was a door guard. I did have a lot of fun and got to talk to lots of really nice people who share one of my favorite hobbies.

I finished up at 1100 and headed home. On the way home ran into an accident on Osceola Parkway just before the Turnpike. It looked pretty bad and I lucked out because I made it through the accident zone just as the emergency vehicles were arriving. The road was probably closed after that.

When I got home Chris was just getting ready to leave for work so I got to talk to him for a bit. Then Andy called to see if I could watch Riley while they took Kaleigh to get some blood work done and go grocery shopping. Kaleigh's blood work was just to check for anemia and to make sure she wasn't eating any lead paint or that kind of stuff, just routine.

Riley and I had lots of fun. His goal for the day was to see how many times he could get me to crawl through his tunnel. He thought it was pretty funny to see me doing this and I'm sure it was quite the sight.

When I started taking pictures today, I couldn't get him to stay in one place until the picture was taken. He kept running to the camera to see himself. When I explained that he had to wait for the camera to click and the flash to go off before he moved we got some much better pictures. But he still had to come over and look at each one as I took it.

Here he is reading his little alphabet books, they are some of his favorites.

Say "Cheese".

After the reading Riley decided we should watch Galaxy Quest and we were sitting on the couch doing this when Andy brought Kaleigh up to the apartment before they went shopping. She was ready for a nap and sleeps so much better in her own room.

So we all sat on the couch for a bit and then it was time for Kaleigh to take her nap and she pretty much went out like a light.

Riley and I played the rest of the afternoon away and then it was time for me to go home.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Some Sun

The rain held off today so I could get my errands and chores done. Weight Watchers and Wal-Mart first thing this morning. Still doing good at WW, I was down .2 this week and that is more in line with what I want to be doing.

When I got home the sun actually came for a bit and I worked out by the pool. Finally got the cooler drained and all the pool toys picked up.

Also did some work on photos and digital layouts. I have so much to do in that realm, I should really get started. If I make a list I'm more likely to get everything done.

This layout of Kaleigh was done a couple of months ago and I've been wanting to make one for Riley so there would be a set and I finally got it done today.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Rains Have Come

And it looks like they will be here for a while.

I wore my raincoat on my walk today and it was the only time that the rains didn't fall but by the time I got back I was wet enough to have been in showers. It was so humid and raincoats just aren't the best thing to wear while exercising.

I went to Wal-Mart and stopped by to visit with Andy and the kids. We colored, Kaleigh's first time using crayons and she really just wanted to eat it but we convinced her to make a couple of marks on the paper before we had to take the crayon away from her.

When I got home didn't do much of anything, more the weather for just kicking back and listening to the rain. We got a lot of rain today, must be somewhere around 4 - 5 inches. We are going to have to pump some of the water out of the pool if it doesn't stop. Just a couple of weeks ago had to add about 2 inches because we had no rain and now we have to much. Just never happy.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Visit With the Kids

I watched Riley and Kaleigh today, one of my favorite things to do and today was no different. Riley was very funny because even though he knew all the new toys are Kaleigh's he played with them the whole time I was there. Except when we did Play-doh, now play-doh is only when Kaleigh is sleeping so every now and then he would say "Kaleigh, nite-nite", just to check and see if it was time for her nap. When she did go down I told him he had to wait a couple of minutes just to be sure she went to sleep and when she did we got the play-doh down. It's about time for some new stuff, he mixed two more colors together so it is getting pretty yucky but it will do for now.

After lunch we were all sitting on the couch and Riley just fell asleep and Kaleigh was sitting in my lap rubbing her eyes so she went back for an afternoon nap. I had a quiet hour before Andy got home from school and he ended up with another hour or so after I left.

We also got lots of rain today, if this keeps up we will be getting back to normal and the lawn will look so much better.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Catch Up Day

Just in case you didn't the photos from Kaleigh's party here they are. Photos-click here.

Today was a very quiet day and we needed it. I spent most of the day going through photos and doing laundry.

No walk because it is my day off and it was a good thing. I thought I would be sore on Monday or Tuesday from the 10K but I didn't get sore until Friday and my legs were still a bit stiff this morning but now I'm feeling fine. So hopefully I will have a good walk in the morning.

Looks like Chris has moved all his stuff back in and and now he is busy arranging his room. Dan moved the extra mattress and boxspring out so everything is back to the way he left it.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

It's a Party

Lot's of fun was had by all and I will be sending out pictures later. There were so many great shots, mostly thanks to Tammy who got all the cake eating and pool time for me.

Here are a few to start us off.

Look close, do you recognize a special little girl on these M&M's.

The cake table, ladybugs was the theme.

Kaleigh has never been one for cake, but she finally did get into making a mess of hers, not sure how much she actually ate.

After all the indoor activities we headed out to the pool and got in probably about 1 1/2 hours of fun and then the rain started. That didn't really put a damper on the fun but the big clap of thunder did.

Like I said I will send out pictures tomorrow so you can see the rest of the activities.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Forgotten Pictures

Once again I took apart one of the frames I had on the wall and found several pictures that I hadn't thought about for quite a while.

This is Andy.

This is Kim holding Chris with John looking on. It was taken during our trip to Florida in Dec 1986.

This is Chris in Maine, probably early 1987. In the winter he always wore his ballcap with a winter hat over it.

Chris with his favorite stuffed animal, one of the Wuzzles which was an animated show on Saturday mornings.

Chris in 1985, we were just back from Guam and visiting Gramma and Grampa G before heading to Florida.

This was Mum and Dad on their 25th anniversary (1980). Hard to believe Dan and I have been married longer then they were in that picture.

Chris and Andy in 1986 or early 1987.

I know I should go through all my frames but is is always such a nice surprise with I pull one apart.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Big News

The big news of the day around here is "Kaleigh took her first unassisted steps today". She actually did it more then once so I thing she will be on the go from now on.

In other news, it was pretty much a normal Thursday, walk at the lakefront which turned out to be very nice. It wasn't as hot and humid as it has been. Then we did some errands, pool place and Panera for a bagel.

Chris was also by to drop off some more of his stuff, he is almost done with that and now he has to sort through it all and put it away.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Guess Who Came to Visit

Weight Watcher's day again and I was down this week, seems to go up a week down a week. I'm still under my goal weight so it isn't a big deal, just have to figure out how to keep the number more steady.

When I came out of the meeting the sky was all yellow from the fires up in Orange County and I could smell the smoke. When I got to Saint Cloud it was still that way so I had to check and make sure more fires hadn't broken out closer to the house, but it is still the fires to the east of Orlando.

I finally watched all the episodes of Lost that I had recorded so I'm all set to watch the season finale after it records tonight.

Then I had all sorts of visitors today. Chris came by to drop off some of his stuff and then Andy and Kaleigh came to visit, mainly because Chris had some video game stuff for Andy.

Kaleigh is so close to walking if she would just take that one step not holding on to anything she would be off and running. Today she stayed by the door for a long time because Juan (our cat) was right outside and she found him very interesting.

Dan has had a couple of long days again and it looks like that will continue for the rest of the week. All the better to pay for our vacations.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Not much going on here. I have still been walking and staying pretty consistent with my times. Did 4 miles yesterday and 3 today. The humidity has really increased the last two mornings so I guess I just have to keep going out as early as I can for my walks.

The rain has finally come to Central Florida and I say it is about time we really needed it. Don't know how much it has rained at the house but it has been some real downpours. Have lucked out that we haven't gotten the hail that some other places have. According to the weather report we should be getting rain for the next few days.

Monday, May 11, 2009

In Case You Have Forgotten

Today is Kaleigh's 1st Birthday, how did that happen?

This is Day 1:

This is Day 6:

And this was just a couple of weeks ago. She has grown so much and become quite the little girl.

Happy Birthday Kaleigh!

Can't wait for the party.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

Hope everyone had a Happy Mother's Day. It was a pretty quiet one around our house. Did errands today and when we got back saw this turtle in the ditch. I ran to get my camera and by the time I got to the road it had crossed the street and was heading into the trees on the other side. It was a good size one and could really move when it wanted to.

Finally heard from Dan's dad, we talked to them on Thursday and thought the fires were staying away from them but that night they had to do an emergency evacuation and they were just allowed by today. Of course when we couldn't get in touch with them we were kind of concerned but at least now we know they are ok and hopefully the fires will stay away from them and get contained.

Andy, Nikki, and the kids came over to swim and we had a good time. Riley is getting better and better in the water he should be swimming pretty soon. Kaleigh just loves being in the water and tries real hard to blow bubbles because everyone else can but she ends up sucking in more water than anything else.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Big Race

Today was my first 10K in many, many years. The last one was in Pensacola, probably somewhere around 1994 and back then I was running not walking.

Dan and I were up bright and early to head out to Altamonte where the race was being held. Left at about 0600, wasn't sure how long it would take to get there and found it was only about 50 minutes so I had just a little over an hour before the race started.

We walked around a bit and admired the course they have at Crane's Roost Park, it is a beautiful area. Would really like to have a circle walk like that around here. It was only one mile around so I would be making six laps.

This was the area right behind where the start/finish line was.

My number, although I had pre-registered they didn't have my info but it wasn't a problem because I had my confirmation with me and they just assigned me a number. I would say there were about 50 - 60 participants. Most that were walking did the 5K.

Here I am starting off, nothing very official, the MC just said go and we went, no timer or anything like that. This is only the second year for this race so it was very small.

This is my medal I got for finishing. I did the six miles in 1:23:50 which translates to about a 13:53 per mile pace. Faster than I have walked since I started walking, right now I had been doing about 14:30.

All my laps were very consistent and that is what I was looking for.

I'm really glad that most of the course was in the shade because it was getting very hot by the time I finished.

Dan was reading my mind and for the last three laps he was there to had me a cup of water and that made all the difference in the world. It was actually a diet coke at the finish and let me tell you it tasted delicious.

We walked around before going back to the car so I wouldn't get to stiff but when I got out at Publix I could feel I had walked but now I feel just fine. Spent most of the day out by the pool reading and just getting in and out of the pool to stay cool.

It was a very satisfying walk and gave me a very good indication of what I can do and should be able to do in the future. The next race I have planned is in July so I have to look for something for next month, I think that will really help with the training.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Swimming in the Lake

Today we went to the Lake Front to play at the splash pad and check out the lake. Got there and a lot of people were already there and the splash pad wasn't working. There were lots of disappointed kids. So I got my I-pod touch and found the phone number for Parks and Recreation and gave them a call. She told me about the sensor, which I already knew about but I told her I would try again but it still wouldn't come on so I called again and she said she would have someone come look at it. No guarantee when this would happen so we just went down to the beach.

Kaleigh at the playground, while I was trying to find the phone number I needed.

At the beach, she really liked being in the water and had no fear.

Andy and Riley heading out to explore.

Kaleigh doing some exploring of her own.

Checking to make sure we were still there.

Now you may think he is just crawling in the water but in his mind he is swimming.

After about a half hour or so, I happened to look at the splash pad and it was working. So we gathered everything up and headed up there.

As you can see Riley has a problem with keeping his britches up. He has the no butt syndrome, one that I wish I had.

Getting the bucket dumped on him.

Kaleigh sat and crawled and watched the other kids.

Taking a juice break.

By this time we were hungry, had picked up subs at Publix so we got a picnic table and enjoyed our lunch.

After lunch everyone was tired, we have had a very busy week. I dropped the kids off at their apartment and was on my way home.

I went for a swim in the pool this afternoon and read my book out on the deck for a while, think I probably took a bit of a nap too. My eyes got pretty heavy there after a while.
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