No pictures right now, when I order and get them I will post.
Kim and I did our first 1/2 marathon today, the Princess out at Disney. We love Disney races, they make you feel so special and lots of little treats along the way.
The day started at 0300 for me which wasn't to very bad. Got dressed, packed the cooler and Kim arrived a few minutes later. The ride to EPCOT was uneventful except some roads had already been closed so we just followed the line of cars and arrived in the parking lot at about 0415.
Had a very scary five minutes as we were getting all our race stuff on, I couldn't find my race number/timing chip. I even called Dan to see if I left it at home, I was very sure I hadn't because I had checked my bag before I left the house and it was in there. So I calmed myself down and looked again and there it was with the trash bags I brought to keep us warm before the race. Crisis averted and we were able to move on.
Got out of the nice warm car into the very cold morning, it was 36 degrees when we left the house and we forgot to look when we got out of the car but it was cool, no wind that goodness.
We were walking over to the gathering area and realized we didn't pay attention to where we parked (where are Dan and Dennis when you really need them?). Figured we would worry about that after the race.
Spent the next hour in line at the porto-potties, by that time we really had to go. It was about 0535 by the time we started walking back to the official starting area and it took us about 15 minutes to get there. So we had about 15 minutes until the start of the race.
Right at 0558 the wheelchair participants started, at 0600 the fast runners and then every seven minutes until 0628 when our group headed out.
The race itself seemed to go by very fast, the first five miles were gone in no time and then I was at seven miles and I realized I was more than 1/2 way finished. Once the sun came up(about 0645) the weather was beautiful and I only got hot in one place the rest of the time I was comfortable.
I knew I had a good pace going but I just couldn't get my brain to figure it out until the last 1/2 mile and I knew I could finish the 13.1 in under 3 hours and that was about 10 minutes faster then the goal I set for myself, so I was a happy camper.
Can't wait for the next one!
We Rock!!!
You two do rock!
And we're crazy enough to want to do it again!
Not crazy...well...maybe.
I'm just kidding. That's a great accomplishment by the two of you.
I think that is great as well. You should be proud of your accomplishment. Did you ever think, say 10 years ago, that you would, could ever do something like that?
Cheers to you both!!!
Actually 10 years ago I pretty much said I would never do anything like this again.
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