It was a rainy, nasty day here. I realize it is much worse up north but I moved to Florida for warm sunny weather with an occasional thunder storm thrown in but this has gotten ridiculous and I'm ready for the bad weather to end and the beautiful weather to come back.
It was just the kids and I today and we played and had lots of fun. Kaleigh got this block set for Christmas and has been really getting in building towers on it.

Tried getting a picture of Riley's haircut, you can see his eyes now and the rest of it blends together.

Kaleigh always gets upset if I take a picture of Riley and not one of her. So here she is, standing by my leg, poking me and saying "Me, me". She was very happy when I took a picture and showed it to her.

Mum, Dad, and Tammy stopped by for a quick visit. Dad dropped off the bird-feeders I had asked for because the woodpeckers had found the one we had and it was impossible to keep it full. All we do is mix some peanut butter with birdseed (Riley's job) and fill the hole with the mixture. Dan will hang and fill them this weekend.

My excitement for the week was printing out the waiver for the Princess 1/2 Marathon, just means the race it getting that much closer.