This is a little girl that was ready to go.
This is one of the big alligators in the Gator Jumperoo Show and I guess he was just reserving his sunny spot for the day.
If you look close you can see the two baby birds, they were the first we saw today.
Kaleigh and her new-found friends. She walked right up to them and started feeding them the corn. It was just one piece at a time but she was feeding them.
This goat got a map from some other visitors and made a meal of it. He ran right to the center of the pen so the map couldn't be taken away before he was done.
It's going to take a while to get his fill at this rate.
One last piece.
Bye-bye goats, see you next year.
In the swamp walk.
Bad feather day.
Spoonbills, we don't normally see them this close because they nest on the other side of the marsh but for some reason they we on this side of the water walking around in this tree.
Getting ready to go on the train ride. Hard to get this shot because I had the long zoom on the camera and couldn't get back any farther.
Kaleigh wasn't so brave at the splash pad. Hoping Daddy would protect her.
Riley on the other was having a really good time.
Just so you know we did see lots of alligators.
The first ice cream out by the pool this year. I'm sure this will happen many more times this year.
We had a great time at Gatorland, it didn't get as hot as we thought it would and there was a breeze throughout the whole park.